

Group meeting at table federal employee benefits experts

The S. Harman & Associates, Inc. staff has an extensive background in Social Security, Civil Service Retirement, Federal Employees’ Retirement, Worker’s Compensation and a wide variety of human resource issues which impact upon Human Resource Practitioners, Benefit Specialists and Federal employees.

They are familiar with the provisions of these laws, as well as much of the rationale guiding the law and regulations, court decisions and MSPB rulings. This insight can be extremely valuable to individuals in the Employee Relations Office and the Human Resource Office.

One-on-One Professional Benefit Counseling Internet and/or Phone.

Benefit Specialists are available to answer the questions of an employee and/or their spouse and to assist them with their retirement paperwork. Contact us to schedule your benefit counseling session.

We will answer your questions, review your retirement application, and explain options and considerations. The cost is $125 per hour, billed in 15 minute increments.

Onsite Benefit Counseling

S. Harman & Associates staff is available on a contract basis to provide employees & their spouses with an individual retirement counseling session that includes answering specific questions about their options and assisting with and reviewing their retirement paperwork.  We can assist the HR office with counseling employees during a RIF.

OPF Reviews

S. Harman & Associates is available to conduct a 100% OPF review, or a  review of a specific OPF where a problem has been identified. During the 100% OPF Review, we verify the retirement coverage, establish the leave, retirement & TSP (where appropriate) SCD.

We generate a letter to each employee documenting the retirement coverage, and SCDs. We also explain any options that the employee has (i.e. making a deposit, redeposit or military service deposit). Finally we are available to answer the employees’ questions about the OPF review.

Benefits Operations

S. Harman & Associates is available on an ongoing basis to answer employees’ questions, counsel employees, review OPFs — in essence to be the Benefits Office of your agency either on a short-term basis (due to retirement, illness or injury of your benefits specialists) or to assist with the work load on an on-going basis.

FERCCA Counseling

S. Harman & Associates, Inc., is available to explain to employees affected by erroneous retirement coverage their options, the corrections procedures and the long-term impact of the various options.



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