Prime Time (Mid-Career) – One Day




This 1-day seminar offers an introduction to the benefit package as it exists today. Many employees know what the benefit package was when they were hired or when someone they know retired but changes may have been made.

Each change may not be major but the cumulative effect can be. Mid-Career employees are those who are committed to their Federal government career but not yet within five years of retirement. Additionally, approximately four hours are spent on basic financial planning and investment concepts plus how to choose a financial planner if needed.

Subjects covered:
Day 1

  • Retirement, Survivor’s & Disability Benefits
    • Eligibility
    • Benefit Computation
  • Deposits, Redeposit & Military Service Deposits
  • Survivor Benefit Options
  • Thrift Savings Plan
  • Life Insurance—FEGLI and Other (from a consumer’s perspective)
  • Health Insurance Rules & Options
  • Flexible Spending Accounts
  • Federal Employee’s Dental and Vision Insurance Program

Day 2

  • Legal Issues
  • Tax Issues
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Financial Planning





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