Federal Benefits Seminar for Life Planning

Every employee no matter how many years they have worked or have to work before retirement needs a basic understanding of the Federal Benefit Package. This is essential for employees to make effective plans and to become aware of the benefits which could be payable in case of disability or death.

Our 2-day Life Planning Seminar is set up as CSRS or FERS. (Employees covered by Offset CSRS should attend the CSRS session and those who Transferred to FERS should attend the FERS session.)

Who should attend? Any employee who needs to understand their benefits package. Employees who have 5 or fewer years before retirement so that they can develop a clear understanding of their benefit package and options. Employees who have up to 15 years before retirement so that they can exercise options and make decisions while there is still time for changes to have a positive impact. Employees who have more than 15 years before retirement so that they can learn the basics of the total benefit package and the importance of participating in the TSP.

Subjects covered include:

Day 1

  • Retirement, Survivors & Disability Benefits
    • When Benefits are Payable
    • Creditable Service
    • Computation of Benefits
  • Life Insurance—FEGLI and Other
  • Health Insurance—Rules & Options
  • Federal Employee’s Dental and Vision Insurance Program
  • Flexible Spending Accounts
  • Survivor’s Benefit Options
    • Death-in-Service
    • Election Upon Retirement


  • Thrift Savings Plan
    • Investment Options
    • Withdrawal Options
    • Projections of Growth
  • Taxation of Benefits
  • Social Security Provisions
  • Legal Issues
  • Financial Planning
  • Long-Term Care Insurance

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