This 2-day workshop is designed to answer the more difficult questions encountered in your agency when administering the benefits program. (Participants should have a basic background in employee benefits.)
This course will provide attendees with specific training on the following complex issues and situations:
- Verification of Retirement Coverage
- Coverage Decisions in Complex Cases
- FERCCA Requirements
- Verification of Retirement Eligibility
- Phased Retirement
- Establishment of the Service Computation Date for Retirement, Leave, TSP, RIF and Hazardous Duty
- Verification of Frozen Service in Transfer Cases
- Review of Computation of Benefit Package (CSRS & FERS)
- Computation of Offset CSRS Benefits
- Correction Procedures for Errors in Retirement Codes and SCD’s
- Deposit, Redeposit and Military Service Deposits
- Options
- Costs
- Impact If Not Paid
- Actuarial Reductions for FERCCA cases
- Benefits for Former Spouses and Former Surviving Spouses Including Court Ordered
- Calculation of the FERS Annuity Supplement
- Windfall Elimination Provision and Government Pension Offset (CSRS only)
- Social Security
- File and Suspend
- Annuity Supplement
- Earnings Limitation
- Thrift Savings Plan
- Effect of Nonpay Status on TSP Participation
- Transfer of IRAs Into TSP
- Withdrawal Options
- Rules for Employees Activated for Military Service
- Life Insurance
- Review of the Basics
- Continuation of Coverage Into Retirement
- Living Benefits and Assignment
- Health Insurance
Court-Ordered Health Insurance for Former Spouses
- Review of Principles
- Coverage of Temporary Employees
- Continuation of Coverage Into Retirement
- Temporary Continuation of Coverage
- Flexible Spending Accounts
- High Deductible Health Plans with Health Savings Accounts
- Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program